Together, We Can Provide Hope

Genevieve and her daughter

For nearly 150 years, JFS has provided hope to those who need it most. We believe that we have a shared responsibility to support impactful changes throughout our community, and together, we’re making a difference with our holistic approach, assessing the various needs of the individual or family, and providing the appropriate services from one organization.

When you make a gift to JFS, you help:

  • Feed individuals who lost their jobs.

  • Keep families in their homes.

  • Support employment services to help the unemployed get back to work.

  • Provide mental health services for people of all ages struggling with social isolation, depression, and anxiety.

You provide hope.

You can make a life-changing difference for the thousands of families who come to JFS to rebuild and transform their lives by making a gift today!


The Key to Unlocking Your New Career in the New Year (Starts with Keywords)


Be Merry, Be Bright