Jewish Family Service

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We Must Act Against Hunger

Demand for JFS’s onsite and mobile food pantries is at an all-time high, and the number of families in need of food support in Denver continues to grow. Each week more and more families come to JFS for food. We now see an average of 16 new households each pantry day. 

With the continued increase of new households needing food support, we currently serve more than three times the number of daily clients served before COVID-19. Pre-pandemic, JFS provided food assistance to approximately 40 households per day (120 per week). JFS now regularly serves more than 150 total households each day. From July 2023 through January 2024, the JFS team served more than 15,000 households, feeding nearly 40,000 people. 

We live in a time where having a job is no longer a reflection of whether a person can afford to pay their bills, buy food, or provide their family with the necessities they need to live. Between inflation, rising food prices, and soaring housing costs, enjoying regular healthy meals is an impossible reality for far too many people. 

Surely, we can all agree that no one in our community should go hungry and that children need full stomachs so they can focus on classes and learn at school, it is unacceptable for older adults to choose between paying for medications over groceries, and parents shouldn’t have to sacrifice a meal so another family member can eat. And if we believe those things, it’s critical we feel compelled to step up to help those experiencing setbacks or dealing with other struggles. Let’s face it: No one wants to go to a food pantry, but receiving essentials and nourishing food to feed our bodies and fuel our minds is fundamental to our ability to thrive. 

The amount of food and hygiene inequity we’re seeing at our Weinberg Food Pantry and our Mobile Food & Hygiene Pantry is unsustainable. We must invest in a community where no one goes hungry, and everyone has necessities when they fall on difficult times. 

Unfortunately, JFS isn’t unique. 

Food pantries across Colorado are experiencing exactly what we are seeing. According to a 2021 Hunger Free Colorado Survey, 33% of Coloradans lack reliable access to nutritious food, and 16% of Colorado children are not getting adequate nutrition due to financial constraints. Not having enough food or enough of the right foods has lasting health effects and can lead to malnutrition, vitamin deficiencies, chronic diseases, and more. 

In the long term, let’s work together to ensure a future where we end the food and hygiene poverty crisis, so people live healthier lives. But right now, we need everyone’s help to restock pantry shelves and offer relief to the growing number of individuals and families who need a hand-up. 

We must acknowledge that healthy food and hygiene essentials are not luxuries and recognize that investing in people benefits everyone in our community. This moment is the time to rally and support our food pantries. Here are a few ways to get involved: 

Let’s show our neighbors some grace, help our food pantries stock their shelves, and be a part of the solution to end food insecurity throughout our community.