Jewish Family Service

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Meet our Volunteer of the Year 

Congratulations to Eve Verderber, our JFS Boulder Volunteer of the Year Award recipient! 

Since 2015, Eve has supported the organization with her dedication to the following programs: Boulder Advisory Committee, Golden West Ambassador, and Friendly Visitor, all the Holiday celebrations, Reel Hope, sharing more than 728 hours of her time volunteering. 

At our recent Volunteer Appreciation event, our team shared the following about Eve: 

We know values teach us how to live and treat those around us, and the trick is finding opportunities to do good that align with our beliefs. If you’ve had the pleasure of meeting Eve, you already know she embodies the values that support the mission of JFS to improve the lives of individuals and families in need throughout Colorado.  

Tikkun Olam is the obligation to make the world a better place, and every day, we see Eve follow this guiding principle. Whether she’s practicing G’milut Hasadim, acts of loving kindness, to the overall Boulder community, or specifically to her Friendly Visitor clients, Eve exemplifies her compassionate heart—and you’ll know this within minutes of meeting her. 

It’s hard to imagine our community without Eve’s dedication, support, and gentle smile. She is a strong ambassador who represents JFS at Golden West and provides tzedakah, social justice, and advocacy to all of their residents. She, along with Mary Ann and our other JFS Ambassadors, create a safe place for residents to celebrate their Jewish identity by coordinating holiday services and programming, movie nights, and many other activities that foster a sense of community for residents to gather and learn about and enjoy JFS’s services. It’s not unusual for Eve to bring snacks or food for holidays and events out of her own expense despite JFS staff always telling her to let us provide the items, but it comes naturally from her heart; it is only one small example of the goodness she brings to JFS, Golden West, and the Boulder community.  

We’re positive you’ll agree that Eve truly personifies the spirit of JFS, and we are so fortunate to have her as part of our JFS family. Congratulations, Eve! You truly deserve our Boulder Volunteer of the Year Award!