Jewish Family Service

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A Happy Purim Partnership

Thank you to Congregation Har HaShem for partnering with Boulder JFS again this year to provide mishloach manot packages to 35 of our clients for Purim. Har HaShem created the gift bags and 20 of our volunteers delivered them to older adults in the community. The seniors received a reusable tote bag filled with hamentashen, Gatorade, granola bars, chocolates, and instant coffee packets.

Lea Segel (pictured to the left) loved receiving the gift bag. “My husband and I were married on Purim and we were married for 67 years, so this holiday always has a special meaning for me!”

Another client, Hollis Fasbender, sent this note of appreciation: “I am disabled and in a nursing home, so it meant the world to me to feel a part of our Jewish community when I received the Purim bag that your synagogue delivered through JFS. I just wanted to thank you and let you know what a mitzvah you did.”

Volunteer Julie Schoenfeld brought her son, Toby, to deliver a bag to Renate (pictured to the right) and spent about an hour with her. She said, “She is SO lovely. Thank you for giving us the opportunity to meet her! It was a pure pleasure.”

Check out Boulder JFS volunteer opportunities throughout the year, or contact Ingrid Swords at 720.749.3403 for details.